Internal Medicine Clinic is pleased to inaugurate a web based patient portal. You can be given a username and password which will allow you to access the Portal. Please ask at your next appointment for this username and password or drop by the office to pick it up.
Web Address to the Patient Portal:
In the portal, you will be able to find/use the following information and tools:
Once you have logged into your Portal account, please go to the “Documents” tab and click on one of your visits listed.
Test Results: If you have had labs performed in our office recently, the results of the test(s) will be available within 10 days after the test was performed. You may obtain these results by abusing the “Vitals/Procedures” tab and clicking on the appropriate listing.
Prescription Refills: You may request prescription refills via the Portal. You may do this by viewing the “Medications” tab and clicking on the medication you would like refilled in your Currently Prescribed Medications list. Please be sure to include the name of the pharmacy you would like the medication sent to.
Communicate With Medical Professional: You may send a message for questions, concerns, medication refills, billing questions, etc. via the portal. You may do this by viewing the “Messaging” tab and clicking on “Compose New Message.”
Important: Internal Medicine Clinic will not have access to your permanent password data due to privacy policies, so please store it in a secure place where you can access it easily.